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- Polkadot Referendum Roundup Week 49: Growth
Polkadot Referendum Roundup Week 49: Growth
Your Weekly Polkadot OpenGov Digest

Welcome to the latest edition of the Polkadot Referendum Roundup, your comprehensive source for insights and updates on the dynamic world of Polkadot's governance.
In this issue, we dive into the latest proposals and decisions that shape the Polkadot ecosystem. From innovative treasury management strategies to the ongoing medium and big spender proposals, we cover the pivotal movements and discussions that are driving the Polkadot community forward. Stay informed and engaged as we explore the outcomes of recent referenda and the potential impacts on Polkadot's future.

Treasury Update
The current treasury balance of 43.99M DOT represents a decrease of approximately 0.20M DOT, or approximately 0.45%, from last week's balance of 44.19M DOT.
Executed proposals
Referenda #279: dApp Marvels 💎 - Ink! Ecosystem growth tool | 25.36K DOT | Tokenguard | Executed 2d 5hrs ago.
Referenda #260: 6 months Educational Campaign in India - Crypto India | 21,849 DOT | Being Satoshi | Executed 6d ago.
Referenda #236: Events Bounty V2 Curator Candidacy | proposeCurator | zoemc | Executed 6d ago.
Rejected Proposals
Referenda #238: IBC x Largest Polkadot Developer Outreach Proposal | 82.14K DOT | IBC Media | Rejected 4d ago.

Current Proposals
Medium Spender Queue
Referenda #298: Holder-targeted Audience Growth w/ Addressable.io & The Kusamarian | 32,000 DOT | The Kusamarian | Confirming 4hrs 21mins ago.
Referenda #350: sub0 Asia 2024 - pre-funding request | 99,950 DOT | Decentered.jeoric | Deciding 4hrs 46mins ago.
Referenda #346: Bounty Proposal for Public RPCs for Relay and System Chains | Approve Bounty | Gustav | Deciding 1d 5hrs ago.
Referenda #345: Lark Davis - Proposal for Funding Polkadot Content Creation | 21,000 DOT | Lark Davis | Deciding 2d 13hrs ago.
Referenda #344: Funding for 6 months of Polkadot brand promotion | 16,981 DOT | CRIPTOMEDIA | Deciding 2d 14hrs ago.
Referenda #343: Business Expansion with Fintech, Corporate and Institutions in Spain and Andorra | 11,239 DOT | ONYZE | Deciding 2d 19hrs ago.
Referenda #342: Polkadot Ecosystem Growth with Key Opinion Leaders | 26,706 DOT | Lunar Strategy | Deciding 3d ago.
Referenda #338: Polkadot Sponsorship @Token 2049, Singapore on September 13th - 14th 2023 | 71,503 DOT | Polkadot@Token2049_2023 | Deciding 3d ago.
Referenda #336: Amount have been mistyped, please vote nay | 1.09M DOT | Quinence/ModernFullstack | Deciding 4d ago.
Referenda #331: Alpha Airdrop - Polkadot Education Content Creation Proposal (6 months) | 13,560 DOT | Alpha Airdrop | Deciding 4d ago.
Referenda #329: Building Developer Ecosystems In Turkey & India | 22,195 DOT | Patika inc | Deciding 10d ago.
Referenda #328: Polkadot Brand Awareness Partnership with Real Vision (Raoul Pal) | 42,865 DOT | RealVision | Deciding 10d ago.
Referenda #324: Increase Awareness of Polkadot On-Brand Narratives via Twitter Ads | 35,395 DOT | Sourabh Niyogi | Deciding 11d ago.
Referenda #312: Oracle Ecosystem Initiative | 70,475 DOT | Pascal | Acurast | Deciding 8d ago.
Referenda #311: Subscan | Infrastructure Costs of Subscan for Polkadot & Westend & Rococo & Statemint & Rockmine Networks (from January to September 2023) | 78,676 DOT | SUBSCAN | Deciding 5d ago.
Referenda #310: Talisman Wallet - Retroactive Proposal #1 | 79,975 DOT | William | Paraverse Talisman | Deciding 13d ago.
Referenda #306: Bounty 27 Curator Committee Proposal | Propose Curator | Zhixi Interlay | Deciding 16d ago.
Referenda #305: Marketing Proposal - Content Creation by Healthy Pockets | 11,877 DOT | Nagazi | Deciding 16d ago.
Referenda #304: Supercharge Polkadot's Brand: Collaborative Partnership with (Mario Nawfal) IBC Ventures | 47,837 DOT | IBC Group | Deciding 16d ago.
Referenda #301: Easybuild Bounty — Fast Path for Future Polkadot Builders committed to building (Bounty proposal) | Approve Bounty | MOTIF.NETWORK | Deciding 16d ago.
Referenda #299: Polkadot's Educational Campaign India: A Wise Advice Initiative | 28,489 DOT | Wiseadvice | Deciding 16d ago.
Referenda #295: VOTE NAY - WE ARE REPOSTING - Polkadot Brand Awareness Partnership with Real Vision (Raoul Pal) | 53,723 DOT | RealVision | Deciding 16d ago.
Referenda #294: Wrong Preimage please vote Nay | 0 DOT | RealVision | Deciding 17d ago.
Referenda #293: The HGA Marketing Proposal | Batch | The HGA | Deciding 16d ago.
Big Spender Queue
Referenda #341: [CANCEL] Retroactive funding for Dolpha.com - #1 Polkadot analytics and insights platform | 149.66K DOT | Dolpha | Deciding 2d 2hrs ago.
Referenda #302: Nova Wallet 5th Proposal: Cloud backups, Push Notifications, Proxies, Deeplinks, OpenGov improvements, Network management, Reimbursement | 125.48K DOT | ✨👍✨ Day7 ✨👍✨ | Deciding 16d ago.

AAG Spotlight
The latest Attempts At Governance session for Polkadot tackled pivotal issues, including diverse strategies for treasury spending, with a debate on conservative versus ambitious approaches. Key highlights included the development of a new community-led Polkadot testnet and discussions around Polkadot's representation at major industry events. The session also delved into the evolving structure of the autonomous marketing initiative and examined various active treasury proposals.
For more in-depth insights, check out the full session or separate clips: Watch AAG #89 - Money Glitch? 💰.

Governance in Action
Dolpha.com, the polkadot analytics platform recently made the decision to cancel their referendum seeking around 150,000 DOT for five quarters of development for their analytics website. Despite initially passing with support from notable community members like 16DG, the team chose to withdraw due to potentially missing details and the need for more community feedback. This instance highlights the dynamic and responsive nature of Polkadot's governance system, where community input plays a crucial role in shaping proposals. For more insights and community discussions, check out the tweet.
A tweet by @GldnCalf stirred a critical discussion on Polkadot's treasury management, emphasizing how its value in USD has fluctuated alongside DOT's market price. Despite an all-time high in DOT count within the treasury, its purchasing power had decreased due to the fall in DOT's price. As the market value of DOT began to recover, so did the treasury's USD value. The tweet also proposes a strategy for diversifying the treasury's assets, suggesting potential sales during market peaks to buy goods and services in bear markets while replenishing DOT through regular income. This approach raises questions about the impact of treasury spending on DOT's market price and invites community engagement on these strategic decisions. For more insights, check out the original tweet.

Closing Thoughts
Thank you for joining us in this edition of the Polkadot Referendum Roundup. As we've seen, the Polkadot community continues to actively participate in shaping the ecosystem through thoughtful governance and strategic decision-making.
We invite you to stay involved, share your thoughts, and continue to contribute to the vibrant and evolving world of Polkadot governance. Until next time, keep exploring and shaping the future of Polkadot!